Todd Beeby Todd Beeby


Just as galleries are under pressure to offer unique artworks to potential collectors, natural habitats are under pressure from destructive, man-made forces. 

One art form can help bring awareness to both: discarded metals are welded together on land, then lowered into the crushing pressures of the deep sea to create one-of-a-kind sculptures.

The Pitch: the explorer Jacques Costeau meets the sculptor John Chamberlain


These artworks are both documentary and sculpture. Video is captured before & after as these works undergo the deep-sea plunge that exerts massive pressure on the metallic medium, resulting in a sculptural expression of nature’s power. 

At the gallery, this unique documentary will be presented alongside each work. When purchased, collectors will receive a personalized copy of the film.

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Todd Beeby Todd Beeby


Since cannabis legalization in 2022, NYC has become home to hundreds of unlicensed (illegal) weed shops. It is well known that many of these shops sell weed to children — and many shops are located near schools. Worse: the cannabis itself can be tainted with poisons.

Our practical and permanent solution to this proliferation of perfidy:

Have the city work with Con Edison to cut off the electricity to each of these storefronts. Businesses can’t run without power; and illegal businesses shouldn’t run at all.

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Todd Beeby Todd Beeby



Feelit Mat

Center yourself with the yoga mat that helps you feel all the feels.

We are constantly bombarded by sights, sounds, and smells to the point where our senses can be overwhelmed. What if we could slow life down and center ourselves by focusing solely on our sense of touch?

This yoga-mat sized rug “features all the feels.” From sticky to silky, furry to fuzzy. You’ll have to use all the parts of your body to sense what’s underneath you, not just your hands or feet.

Lie down, close your eyes, and focus on feeling and naming as many textures as you can.

This product could be introduced by a activewear brand like Alo to be sold and tried in-store.

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Todd Beeby Todd Beeby

Free idea #1

Every so often, I’ll free an idea that I’ve had. If anyone out there wants to take this idea and run with it (i.e., make it real), get in touch.

“I just binge-watched 50 hours of a show. I’m a major fan, but it was such a timesuck.”

What if shows that people love were edited with love — to tighten up the plot, and give you your life back?

Reviewers and crowd-sourced voting helps to edit stories down to the essential.

For example:

Game of Thrones: 8 seasons, 73 episodes x 55 minutes: 67 hours

What if that could be edited down to the most crucial/impactful 24 hours? Then it could become a powerful “limited series” as opposed to an outrageous time commitment.

Cinemin is not just for series TV, but for any media.

Podcasts (Edited down to only the necessary episodes, and specific portions within those episodes. Imagine true crime taking far less time.)

Documentary Series (How much more impactful could documentaries be by watching just the essential episodes of “Tiger King”, “Wild Wild Country”, etc.?) 

Books (Some books seem like they didn’t have editors, so what if fans took books down to the core? Think of “A Little Life” being far less painful to read.)

Medium Articles (There’s a lot of TL;DR out there, what if you could understand the thrust of the piece ASAP?)

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